account_balance GREN Resilience WG

Established: Q4 2024

The Working Group is focusing primarily on the interconnections between R&E Networks, rather than intra-R&E Network connectivity out to their member institutions.

Global R&E Exchange Points (GXPs) and the links between them are explicitly in-scope for this activity. Some intra-R&E Network paths may be considered, in the case where an R&E Network is providing transit across their network as part of the GREN.


The aim of this GNA-G Working Group is to perform a high-level risk review of the GREN, to identify the resilience to accidental and malicious incidents, more specifically:

  • This review should consider both links and exchange points (GXPs).
  • It should document the failover/rerouting capabilities which are currently configured, indicating what links or services are protected and how. For instance, a point-to-point service carried by one link may failover to a backup path, but other point-to-point services may not.
  • The consequences of failover/rerouting, such as lower available capacity or increased latency should be documented as much as possible.
  • Limitations due to an AUP or other constraints should be noted.
  • If possible, if a link is carried on a fibre path which is collocated with a power/gas/pipelines/etc, this should be noted since it may increase its attractiveness as a target. Other sensitivities may be noted also, e.g. geopolitical issues related to the location or owner of a link.

Contact details:

Working Group Chairs

adjust Steve Maddocks


adjust Harold Teunissen


adjust Erik-Jan Bos


Working Group Contributors

adjust AARNet

adjust CESNET

adjust KAUST

adjust KDDI

adjust NORDUnet


adjust SURF

GNA-G Leadership Team Liaison

adjust David Wilde

