GNA-G Community VCs #7 2021Q4

The next Community VCs of the Global (R&E) Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) are scheduled to take place online on 15 & 16 December 2021. The aim of the Community VCs is to:

* Bring ongoing progress and advancements to the attention of the worldwide R&E Network, Science, and Computer Science communities;
* Foster deeper engagement within and among the communities, bringing mutual benefit for more effective operations now, and for the future vision of next generation networks and workflows;
* Synergize the efforts and leverage the progress of the GNA-G Working Groups and discover new opportunities for advancement while avoiding unnecessary overlaps;
* Provide a wide-ranging focus and synergy, tools and services for the global ensembles of research and education networks, present and future;
* Sustain the conversation and maintain forward progress in the time of the pandemic, and deal with the ongoing transformations it will leave in its wake;
* Providing opportunities to join one or more efforts through our working groups and sustain and strengthen our global mission.

Like the previous Community VCs, we will be using Zoom. Please register for the VC(s) you plan to participate in, using one or both of the following links:


Meeting coordinates & registration link

VC #1: Wednesday, 15 December 2021, 4pm – 6pm UTC
Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America, Africa, and Europe.

VC #2: Thursday, 16 December 2021, 7am – 9am UTC
Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Europe.



  1. Opening & Welcome – David Wilde / Erik-Jan Bos [slides]
  2. Nominations Committee – Michael Stanton (RNP) / Lars Fischer (NORDUnet) [slides] [video]
  3. Introducing the new website map – Erik-Jan Bos [slides]
  4. News on GREN intercontinental links & GXPs:
    1. Singapore – Guam – David Wilde [slides]
  5. Global activities:
    1. SC conference report – Brenna Meade [slides] [video]
    2. MANRS in the GREN – Warrick Mitchel [slides] [video]
  6. Working group updates and discussion:
    1. Routing WG update – Brenna Meade / Warrick Mitchell [slides] [video]
    2. Discussion on progress report – David Wilde / Erik-Jan Bos [slides]
  7. Discussion on meeting in 2022 – David Wilde / Erik-Jan Bos [slides]
  8. Announcement of next VCs and closure [slides]

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GNA-G 2nd Community VCs Q4 2024

The next Community Video Conferences (VCs) for the Global (R&E) Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) are scheduled to take place online using Zoom on 17-19 December, 2024.

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GNA-G Community Meeting at the 2024 Internet2 Technology Exchange

This working meeting is open to all, with the aim to gather community representatives interested in hearing more about the Global (R&E) Network Advancement Group

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