GNA-G Update at APAN59
The Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) gathers worldwide network professionals from the Research & Education (Networking) organisations to support and enhance continent-to-continent interconnectivity and global science collaboration.
GNA-G organises its work in working groups around topics of multi-national and multi-domain interest and importance. Some of the working groups include, but are not limited to Data Intensive Science, Routing, AutoGOLE/SENSE, GREN map, Network Automation, Global LEOSat, GREN Resilience and GREN Engineering Advancement. Network engineers from operational teams and research groups from several continents are contributing in these groups.
This meeting will give an opportunity to the community to discuss topics of interest such as international connectivity, network renewal, network engineering, orchestration and automation, security and other topics.
Moderator: Dr. Buseung Cho
Director of KREONET Center, KISTI
Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology
GNA-G Leadership Team(LT) Member
APAN Board of Directors, Chair of APAN-KR
- Welcome: Buseung Cho, KISTI/KREONET (5 minutes)
- GNA-G LT and WG updates: Buseung Cho, KISTI/KREONET (10 minutes)
- Network automation WG: Warrick Mitchell, Director of Architecture, AARNet & Migiel de Vos, Team Lead Network Development, SURF (5 minutes)
- GREN risk review WG – Steve Maddocks, Director International, AARNet (TBD) (5 minutes)
- Open and Sharing Data in Agriculture and Disaster Mitigation in Asia: Veerachai Tanpipat, Hydro-Informatics Institute (HII) & APAN Agriculture WG Co-Chair & APAN Disaster Mitigation Co-Chair (15 minutes)
- ESnet QUANTNET: Chin Guok, CTO, ESnet (15 minutes)
- LHCOPN/LHCONE and SKA network: Vincenzo Capone, GEANT Head of Research Engagement and Support, GEANT (15 minutes)
- Discussion (20 minutes)