GNA-G Community VCs Q4 2024
The next Community Video Conferences (VCs) for the Global (R&E) Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) are scheduled to take place online using Zoom on 12-14 November, 2024.
These sessions will continue the topic of Community VCs Q3 packet layer renewal.
The aim of the Community VCs is to:
- Bring ongoing progress and advancements to the attention of the worldwide R&E Network, Science, and Computer Science communities;
- Foster deeper engagement within and among the communities, bringing mutual benefit for more effective operations now, and for the future vision of next generation networks and workflows;
- Synergize the efforts and leverage the progress of the GNA-G Working Groups and discover new opportunities for advancement while avoiding unnecessary overlaps;
- Provide a wide-ranging focus and synergy, tools and services for the global ensembles of research and education networks, present and future;
- Sustain the conversation and maintain forward progress in the time of the pandemic, and deal with the ongoing transformations it will leave in its wake;
- Providing opportunities to join one or more efforts through our working groups and sustain and strengthen our global mission.
- Welcome, intro [slides]
- Update from the Leadership Team: summary from the TNC24 side-meeting, plans looking ahead, advertise SC24 & I2TX meetings
- Slot 1: Bram Peeters – GÉANT packet layer renewal [slides]
- Slot 2: Chris Wilkinson – Internet2 packet layer renewal
- Slot 3: Doug Farmer – AARNet packet layer renewal
- Slot 4: Ana Alves (GÉANT) – Update on Securing the GREN WG
- Q&A, discussion