GNA-G Community Meeting at TNC24
At the TNC24 meeting, we will recap the activities of the last year, discuss our strategy and objectives and update results from our working groups.
The Global (R&E) Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) gathers worldwide network professionals from R&E Networking organisations to support and enhance continent-to-continent interconnectivity and global science collaboration. Join to learn about the strategy, the working groups and their recent updates as well as to liaise with other GNA-G members.
- 14:00 – Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome from the GNA-G LT – Ivana Golub, PSNC
- Welcome from the TNC Host – Erik Huizer, GÉANT
- 14:10 – Session 1: Status update
- GNA-G Leadership Team update + Q&A
- Working Groups accomplishments + Q&A
- Update from TNC23 + Q&A by Mian Usman (GÉANT) and Chin Guok (ESnet)
- 15:30 – Break
- 16:00 – Session 2: Defining value proposition and the roadmap of GNA-G
- This will be an interactive session in which the participants will be asked to contribute to the list of priorities, the roadmap and the value proposition.
- 16:30 – Session 3: Discussion
- In this session we will discuss the Menti results, do a gap analysis and define priorities and a roadmap followed by opening a call for volunteers.
- 17:20 – Meeting summary
- 17:30 – Meeting close